What Questions to ask Halls when looking for a Venue

What Questions to ask Halls when looking for a Venue

Now that you have your date and number of guests in mind, it is time to choose a hall. Luckily we have compiled a list of questions to ask Halls, to keep you organized.  Keep in mind that if you have many out-of-town guests that you expect to come, you will want to pick a location that is easily accessible from highways, and possibly close to a hotel. If you have guests scattered from Toronto to Niagara, pick an in-between location so that you can hopefully maximize your turnout.  Don’t pick some that are super remote, because you want to be a convenient location.

Once you know what part of town you are looking at, start Googling for local places! Start making calls or emails, ask for recommendations on Facebook or other social media to get people’s input, and ensure to ask these questions.

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