Which Vehicle do I Need to Fit Games?

Which Vehicle do I Need to Fit Games

Instead of this customer asking us Which Vehicle do I Need to Fit Games, he just showed up in a convertible sports car to pick up a Blackjack Table. Dear Lord! This picture is here to demonstrate: What Not to Do 🙂

Here is the answer: go to the top of the page to the search bar, and type in the game you are renting or are considering to rent. It will take you to its individual product page and there you will see several tabs. You might find one that says, “What Kind of Vehicle do I need for Transport” along with another called “Dimensions” and another called “How Heavy is this”. Those 3 tabs should give you plenty of information so that you show up with the most suitable vehicle. Also be sure to read “How to Prepare for Pick up” so that you know if you need blankets or bungee cords.

Alternatively, once you have paid for your order, you will automatically be emailed a list of products that you just booked in your attachment. Under each product is a link that will take you right to these links we are describing. So you should be armed with info now and you’ll know Which Vehicle do I Need to Fit Games!

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Categories: Game FAQs, Picking up Order FAQs