Pick up Times

Here are your Pick up Time choices, based on the date of your event. You will see that you have 2 choices for picking it up, and no matter which one you choose, it will be counted as a one day rental. You will not incur any extra charges.

  • We are typically available to meet clients between 2-4pm Monday to Friday.
  • Our shop to meet customers for pick up is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

It is possible that when you go to book your pick up time, that there might be late morning appointments available instead of between 2-4pm as shown here. This would occur if we have a delivery that is smack dab in the middle of the day so we instead have clients come in the late morning.

On occasion, we might be able to accommodate a morning appointment if you have no other option, but we cannot make any promises. Typically we are not at our shop till 2pm as we do deliveries all day so there is nobody here to greet you.

Pretty much every week is the same and you can rely on this image to show you when we are typically available. Plan for this timing in advance and do not leave it till the last minute.

When you click on your link to book your Pick up time within 7 days of your event, you will see all of the available times, so you will see all options available that week. No need to call us to see if there other times as the calendar is always up to date. This image here is just to give you a snapshot on what to expect so that you can start to make arrangements now.

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Category: Picking up Order FAQs